28 thoughts on “About A Son Trailer”

  1. just peace, love and emphaty..this is grunge people. do you have grunge in your heart???????????????????????

  2. he is a god. didn’t like conformity and lived by what he dreamed of. luv and miss u! see you on the otherside.

  3. Hey Kurt.
    Fuck, uhm I have to say, that I read
    in your diary. I’m sorry… I miss you
    and I wish that I had met YOU.

  4. you are my hero, you really dont know what you have done for me, and how much u have helped me,, hope to see you in heaven some day

  5. kurt cobain was, stll is, and will always be the best, we shall all rememer him, and celebrate ever birhday of his.

  6. love u forever… ur still alive to me!!!!!!!!!!!!! u will never die in my heart!!!!and mind………i miss u

  7. “I wouldn’t wear a tie-dyed tee-shirt unless it was dyed with the urine of Phil Collins and the blood of Jerry Garcia.” -Kurt Cobain, the man who changed music & peoples way of thought. he was the best & always will be. Long Live Kurt!

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