28 thoughts on “About A Son Trailer”

  1. This man will be remembered for a very long time, it`s been now 14 years since he died and he`s far from being forgotten!

  2. This man will be remembered for a very long time, it`s been now 14 years since he died and he`s yet far from being forgotten!

  3. Kurt Cobain was a musical genius he will be remembered not by how he died but by the incredible music he wrote and the people who he inspired. R.I.P Kurt!!!!!

  4. i love this man. he is my idol. i listen to nirvana even if i`m happy, even if i`m depressed or any other mood. a great person, a great artist, a great mind…

  5. “its better to burn out than to fade away.” if he was still alive ALOT of ppl would still love this guy but because he died alot more remember him, i think he died for his fans and thats something that i will remember about him, he was a good guy willing to do something for others, but i still wish he was alive i miss u kurt and i will always love you.

  6. ive listened to Nirvana from day 1 [BLEACH]Ive led a mad life,8 years in prison and a long heroin addiction. My albums and books about Kurts life have got me through HARD times.He’s still getting me through. Still rockin’ in the clouds, gone but never forgotten.RIP KURT,missed 4eva!

  7. I really love you kurt.. you will never leave my mind… i can only imagine how you must have felt… i lo ve, honor, and respect you so much…i hope to meet you in heaven someday 🙂 r.i.p

  8. Adhiraj Singh Panwar

    For me he’s the greatest musician the world has ever seen.There will never be another kurt cobain.He’s immortal so as his music.Today only i must have heard smells like teen spirit about 40 to 50 times.Genius is a very small word to describe someone like him.His legacy will never die.It’s only gonna get bigger as the years passes by.He and Nirvana were known for their killing melodies with their proclivity for loud and intense performances which had the potential for rioting entire towns.You’ll always be their in my heart.Not a single day has gone by where i’ve not thought of the legendry kurt cobain.Simply the best.Pitty he died at a very young age.Imagine if he would have lived on for few more years.His voice unmatched his song writing unmatched his stage persona bloody unmatched.May your soul rest in peace.You are seattle’s favourite son.You’ll always be ruling our hearts no matter what happens.Love u always and i can safely say that i’m your biggest fan on the face of this earth.cheers.

  9. Adhiraj Singh Panwar

    and without a doubt the godfather of grundge and the frontman of one of the greatest band the world has ever seen.A walking leggen.Listening to him and nirvana is like a rudimentary blockbuster.For the entire world you are dead but you’ll never die for your fans.

  10. kurt donald cobain

    i love them mi dears fans…but just leave me alone please thanks for envery, you can forgive me please leave me alone

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