121 thoughts on “Kurt Cobain’s Grandfather, Leland Cobain Interview”

  1. heroine didnt kill kurt you shitheads. honestly get your facts straight before posting this fuck up. courtney wrote HALF his suicide note”” and sent a guy out to kill him but the guy refused too. SO kurt was found in his apartment with the gun straight across his chest like PERFECTLY. theres no other way that the gun would end up so perfectly. so SHUT THE FUCKK UP.


    Kurt had so much Heroine in his bloodstream that it would have been impossible for him to stand, never mind hold the gun to his head and pull the trigger, someone else had to have done it. And she did not “send a guy out to kill him but the guy refused to”. I could site here and go on and on, but im not going to. Just IMO you sound like someone who read a bunch of bullshit online and believed every but of it.

  3. Now, you, number 62, cretin. We all know that you’re regurgitating stuff you’ve read, i.e. Love and Death and Who Killed Kurt Cobain, by Wallace and Halperin. You spew out your vindicative bile under my eternal husband’s name? Okay you angry, vicious meathead. I bet you vent your bile out over any conspiracy theory available. Betcha go through them all. This is not for you but for the genuine people on this website. I can tell you this, two men were involved, one white, one black. Kurt was laying low from a certain person, planning how to get Frances away. He was getting stoned in the place where nobody looked. ie. the greenhouse.It didn’t kill him and it wasn’t supposed to. When you are a user, and a heavy user at that, you don’t stay stoned for very long,even if you are skinny and small, your appetite for heroin is huge and you can take massive amounts.It’s hard to get stoned,nigh on impossible. When the two men came in Kurt was awake in his den, having a cigarette, musing over things. He was then sedated with a massive top up of heroin, by one man, and shot my the other. Now I know this to be the truth. When you are a user, (please stop calling it “heroine” it’s HEROIN) – it doesn’t connect you to Kurt in anyway whatsoever, just makes you sound like you have nothing of any relevance to say. Now I know this to be the truth. Kurt’s really not bothered anymore about the End. Of course he’s sad for Frances and other loved ones, but he really doesn’t care anymore. He’s like a monkey on my shoulder now telling me to “get the fuck off” this website. He’s very angry with me for contributing to this. Justice will happen but Kurt really doesn’t give a shit if it does or it doesn’t. He’s light year’s forward from that time. His “now” is with me. When justice is done it will be for family, friends and fans. Kurt left all that behind a long, long time ago.

  4. It seems strange that after all these years i suddenly start thinkin about what happened to kurt cobain. I cant get the “supposed” suicide out of my head,ive become obsessed with what happened as if kurt is screaming for justice and im picking up on the vibe or something.Why now,why all of a sudden out of the sky blue do i have this facination with this dude and the last year of his life.I can relate a bit to what he was going thru as i went thru a similiar episode around the same time,im 46 now and reflecting back to the 80’s i can full well understand given the kind of drugs and partying back then hell we all were out of control,but something about the way he was acting before his suicide makes me feel like he was being manipulated by someone he obviously cared about and probably felt helpless or maybe just blindsided. My gut tells me that someone close to him murdered him and made it look like a suicide. I feel for the guy,i cant imagine the turmoil of emotions he must have been trying to process as someone close was planning his demise.Truely he was one of a kind,a gifted musician,and the world was delivered a great blow when he died.Peace out and godspeed my friend,justice will be served!

  5. kurtslittlefriend2

    kurt donald cobain yes did heroin but at the time of his death had consumed too much of it in his system and for that factor he was and could not have been capable of wielding a shotgun to his head and blowing out his own brains. Says so in the doctors report of his death. if you dont think that courtney did it the police reports state that she had called in the report as if she was his mother and another thing in his so called suicide note he restated that he wanted the best for his daughter and anyway once he was out of the music business which is what he wanted to do he was going to divorce that bitch and move the hell on. they even found a bunch of papers in her hand writing trying to copy his style of writing under her bed. so until some one can explain those things to me as to why she did those things i will forever believe that she in fact had something to do with his death. and i will find a way to prove that fact. and she will get what she deserves in the end.

  6. kurtslittlefriend2

    in respone to zack thank you i totally agree with you and anyone else that disagrees fuck you and you cant b a true fan if you dont know this your just half of one

  7. Oh, and for the record Kurt hadn’t been clean in “rehab”, it was supposed to be a detox. Kurt was still using inside the clinic. He went there for a rest, he carried on using. They weren’t going to kick him out – big money. He could leave when he wanted to, but he didn’t want to see the faces of the “detox” employees, and certainly didn’t want Courtney to find out that he had left. The back wall was the exit to buy him a bit of time before she knew he’d checked out. He went there, cut down a bit and then carried on his habit at the same level while he was there as on the outside. There were medics in the clinic that were dealers. The whole system was corrupt. That is why I said Kurt took some heroin in the greenhouse but it was not a suicidal act. It was to get a little stoned,think how things could be changed, a little peace, a cigarette. Mulling things over. That’s when the two assassins came in – gave him what should have been a lethal dose, but used the gun as well,in the knowledge that Kurt could take a lethal dose and may still survive. The gun was a belt and braces thing. Kurt’s habit whas phenominal. He wasn’t clean. The “rehab” was a ruse to get away from Courtney. Easier to score on the inside than on the outside, so his habit was as heavy as it always was. Same as it ever was. With a tolerance level like kurt’s, with no break in usage,the assassins knew that the heroin might not do the trick. The gun. They must have been such stupid fuckers to think that anybody would be able to manage a gun of that size. If they had half a brain cell between them they would have chosen a pistol. It’s all preposterous. Courtney was scraping the barrel when she employed those mothers. Mind you scraping the barrel is what she does best. And she’s covered in her own shit which she won’t ever beable to shake off. Oh dear, poor Courtney won’t be going to the soul group to which she thinks she belongs. She will be with psychopaths, sociopaths, avaricious manipulators and the like.

  8. leland's dinners

    You know, Leland is an old man. If he gets some company and a free dinner or two, good for him. He’s worked hard all his life. I don’t like what “Layla” had to say about Leland. That didn’t ring completely true for me. He’s an old man and I think the Come As You Are thing would piss Kurt off, but at the same time, an old man doesn’t see anything but what HE thinks would be a good tribute. He’s living in a trailer, not a mansion. I don’t think he’s trying to profit. He’s doing the best he can; he cares, and he’s lonely. And he DID care for Kurt when he was a kid, so whatever. I find it VERY hard to believe, after having held my grandmother as she took her last breath (this was a woman who was completely into herself and her social life and NOT at ALL into having kids and grandkids, who I saw a different side of when she was lonely and dying) … I find it hard to believe that after experiencing his OWN DEATH, Kurt Cobain would think that of all people, his GRANDFATHER, who he was planning to fishing with and who he took to eat at IHOP, is an opportunist. Doesn’t ring true.

  9. We’re not talking free dinners here in the normal sense, and you would be quite right if you mean why shouldn’t he get wined and dined in his old age by people in the “industry” We eare talking, Kurt’s young fans, him using Kurt to dine out on, meant his name. Some might say, because of their love of Kurt, they will sleep with him to get nearer.
    The man is a parasite living off his grandson’s name. The fan is expected to put out. Oh how he loves the glory of his grandson’s fame. Courtney even opened her legs for him to get a good look without pants and Kurt was in the other room. He said “I woulda, but what with Kurt being there”, not “Kurt’s wife just flashed at me” and tell Kurt. Courtney was exhibiting herself as usual. That comes from the horses mouth.

  10. i do think courtney had something to do with kurt’s death, but i don’t think he’d want us to dwell upon his death. he’d probably want us to remeber his iconic and awesome music.
    LONG LIVE KURT COBAIN in our thoughts and memmories and especially through his legendary music.

  11. layla, i kind of do belive the fact that you are in contact with kurt cobain’s soul. i hope he gets the justice he deserves cause i belive he was murdered.it would’ve been nice if his daughter,Frances, got a stable parent either than courtney.
    as i said before LONG LIVE KURT COBAIN.

  12. Thanks Diana, you are so right! He wants us to remember his music. He is distanced from his murder. He isn’t really bothered about justice for himself, but for his family, fans and friends. Kurt knows that justice will be achieved on a much higher level. It would, being human, be nice to get the “guilty” verdict on Courtney for everyone whoever loved him. Justice will be done. Let’s hope everybody will witness it. There is the shall I/shan’t I thing going on with Frances. She wants to do this, but the rest of the family are dead set against going through the whole thing again. Kurt says “Beany Baby, this must have plagued you for your whole life. You are still my darling baby girl, but others in the family witnessed the news, when I didn’t blow my own head off, but tweenyweenybopper you lost two parents, one that got murdered and one that wasn’t fit to own a mouse, let alone rationalisation and normality.You were the momma taking care of the mother that should have looked after you. Really check people out baby, check that they are solid. Stick with the solid baby, stick with the solid, you never had proper parenting on any level. I wasn’t with you long enough to carry it through. I know you speak to me and I hear you. I am very happy. I want you to really sound people out before you make any deals, let them into your life, fall in love, whatever. Solid people. Watch for preditors You’ll know,yr as bright as a rainbow. Don’t take drugs, smoke, drink alcohol or if you do, be aware of your genetic make-up You carry the gene on both sides for problems to possibly happen. Love my girl, big kisses and hugs to last you a life time”.

    Frances, your dad is worried that you are going to be pulled into your mother’s web again. He’s extremely worried about you, “Frances, fleck, I’m concerned that you are mixing with the wrong people. I’m worried that you are going to be pulled back into your mother’s lair. Your mother’s move to London is not going to be successful. People do not like her. She will not be accepted. She will try to bring you along as a publicity machine, as my daughter. Please don’t be swayed and join her in London. Don’t buy into the diabolic charisma of your mother again, pleeze. You know she cannot be trusted and has a serious personality disorder/sociopathic tendencies. I know you’re doing your own stuff, be careful, your heading in the wrong direction. Your mother is extremely jealous of you, your talent and your youth. I wish that you could talk to my Layla. We’re trying to look out for you, but as I’m not in the physical I can only speak to you through Layla. She would set you straight. If you go to London you will be living a life of disruption and danger caused by your mother. I have never been more serious. I know that you want to go travelling. That’s great. But don’t do it with your mother. I’ve been very anxious about you over the last couple of weeks. I’m worried that you’re mixing with the wrong people. Frances, I know that you want fame; your mother’s influence. It’s not a good thing to have. You had a head start when you were born. Do you’re own thing but please be careful, don’t be put into the industry fodder machine. Go with what you know to be true. Don’t court the press and have photos taken. You’re talented baby. You don’t need to do this other shit. Keep away from your mother, she will bring you down with her. Please talk to Kimi, get advice from her. Honey, I’m just doing the dad thing through Layla, as it’s the only way I can speak to you. I know that you know that your mother had me murdered. Your mother is jealous of you because you have more talent. Stay away from her fleck, promise? Love my girl,you’ve got a beautiful voice. Who are those charlatans that are hanging out with you “the band”. They need sorting out. One guy is okay, the rest, parasites. You know the one that is the truth. Ditch the rest. Fucking hell I’m crazy with worry. Please sit back and look at where you’re headed baby. Pleeeze, you are on the brink of a lot of stuff, some of it not good. Promise me that you will take some time out with Kimi. Just clear your head, before you agree to anything. Trust your dad baby, trust Layla,trust Kimi, trust the one guy in the band.Don’t trust anybody else until you’re sure. You’re star struck at the moment. You know you have the power to gain an audience. Make sure it’s the right audience and not sleezebag liggers. Sorry to rain on your parade, button. I just want you to stop in your tracks and throw away the flattery, sycophancy and people who tell you they can make you huge. You don’t need these assholes. Grow slowly baby, grow slowly. I love you fleck”

  14. OMG i miss kurt soo much i m soucha big fan and i m …whel i can say that i m obssseded with him riht now eaven tought he s gone beu he ll still have millions of fans,yesterday i just watched a documentary called Kurt and Courtney or something like that i cant realy remember but the guy s from the documentary explained how courtney killed him how she pland his death or somthing like tahat.I wish he s alive and i wish he could still make music.Its just soo sad that he s gone.He was soucha influence to young peple.After his death i heard how two teenagers killed them selve s because of his death it s just soo sad and every time i think of him it makes me sad because in the documentay they have said how he didnt had any social life ….but what matters is that he s was a good artist.
    He went trough a lott od hell in his chilhood and before his death.
    We miss you kurt you will never be forgoten.
    I know all of his songs and my fauvorite is smells like teen spirit and here it is eaven we all know the lyrics…

    Load up on guns
    Bring your friends
    It’s fun to lose and to pretend
    She’s overborne and self-assured
    Oh no, I know a dirty word

    Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
    Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
    Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
    Hello, hello, hello ,hello
    With the Lights out it’s less dangerous
    Here we are now entertain us
    I feel stupid and contagious
    Here we are now entertain us
    A mullato an albino
    A mosquito my libido

    Verse 2-
    I’m worse at what I do best
    And for this gift I feel blessed
    Our little group has always been
    And always will until the end
    Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
    Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
    Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
    Hello, hello, hello, hello
    With the Lights out it’s less dangerous
    Here we are now entertain us
    I feel stupid and contagious
    Here we are now entertain us
    A mullato an albino
    A mosquito my libido

    Verse 3-
    And I forget just why I taste
    Oh yeah I guess it makes me smile
    I found it hard it’s hard to find
    Oh well whatever nevermind
    Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
    Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
    Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
    Hello, hello, hello, hello
    With the Lights out it’s less dangerous
    Here we are now entertain us
    I feel stupid and contagious
    Here we are now entertain us
    A mullato an albino
    A mosquito my libido
    A denial

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