19 responses

  1. Já fui fã do Nirvana e garanto a você, essa música é a minha favorita, porém prefiro ao vivo…
    Kurt Cobain já significou tanto em nossas vidas, e para sempre deixará lembranças e saudades de suas loucuras e depressões sem fim em shows ao vivo…
    O grunge nunca mais foi o mesmo depois que Kurt Cobain nos deixou, e garanto a você, Dave Grohl é um patife, Foo Fighters não é bom, nunca vai ser…
    Dave nunca saberá ser tão bom quanto Kurt ja foi, deixo minhas palavras ao velho Cobain: ” É melhor queimar, do que apagar aos poucos… ” (Kurt Cobain)
    Abraços… (Sou apenas mais um fã do grande Cobain) flw…

  2. I love this song it always makes me cry to think about him, a great gituar player and songwriter, killed!!!!!

  3. Hey, i’m from Lithuania, Europe. I love Kurt. Why did he had to die? Has was such an awesome songwriter, And he did’nt care about what people think about him. he just played. And the Grunge epoche was unreal, but after Kurt’s dealth is came to an end. So sad. I’m 14 years old, and i wish i was born at the new wawe times, and Nirvana’s times.

  4. oh well… whatever nevermind,,,


  5. this video will kiss ass forever there something in that video i dont agree with but i always like it been a fan since mid 1990 when i was goin on ten. Nirvana will around forever.

  6. KILLED!!!!YOU FUCKIN’ KNOW THAT[BY COURTNEY!!] Even my 4yr old son rocks out to this tune, he may not know the lyrics, but he loves the chorus! Oh yeah, someone is offended by the vid, dont watch it then! KURT WILL NEVER BE DEAD!

  7. não sou do tempo de nirvana!
    nasci em 1991!
    ha 2 anos k oiço as musicas de nirvana e garanto a todos aqueles que nunca ouviram que NIRVANA são os melhores de sempre e o kurt é 1000 vezes k o dave dos foo fighters e anteriormente dos nirvana!

  8. the crows or cross like sisters of mercey
    but better budget videos
    i remember nirvana at the time
    i was like 6 when i got to see
    the film clip for the first time
    i was 13 but i had all the tapes
    so i knew the song well i always thought
    he was so cute

  9. Get the fuck off this website you phoney ass bitches………hmmmm. but at the same time…..what did HE want….? maybe i’m right? maybe im wrong? sorry for me to step in at all. excuse me.

  10. Nirvana es el mejor grupo de la historia y del grunge KURT COBAIN vivira en nuestra memoria y todo el grupo de nirvana………….
    ARrIbA El RoCk Y GrUnGe

  11. I fucking love Kurt Cobain. He is one of the best guitarist and singers of all time. He is one of my very few inspirations to writing poems and songs. I will never be as good as Kurt. He is a legend and he will always be remembered. I feel sorry for Frances. As for Courtney, she should rot in hell forever.

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