Converse has given Kurt Cobain his own signature collection of shoes. Now available and shipping worldwide at, Converse is currently producing a limited-edition series of Kurt Cobain footwear as part of the company’s 100th anniversary sales campaign, dubbed “Welcome to the Converse Century.†Each shoe is littered with drawings and writings that were published in 2002’s Kurt Cobain Journals. Several new models of Kurt Cobain shoes are coming with the Converse One Star model and a series of high-top Chucks already confirmed, according to
Distressed in the way Kurt Cobain wore them, the shoes provide a rarely seen glimpse into the head of this musical and lyrical genius with sketches that display his hopes, dreams and lyrics from amazing songs such as Come As You Are.
To further pay tribute to the late singer, three of the Converse shoes that Cobain was often seen wearing will be reflected in the new collection which includes versions of Chuck Taylor All Star, Jack Purcell and One Star shoes. To make the collection even more unique, they’ll have wear and fray detailing and Kurt Cobain’s signature subtly embroidered on the shoe’s outer.The shoes will be made available in black and white versions and should retail for around $50 – $65. The product line comes with the full cooperation of Courtney Love and the Estate of Kurt Cobain. Converse will release the full details of the shoes in April.
Buy Kurt Cobain All Star Converse at
Buy Kurt Cobain All Star Converse at
Buy Kurt Cobain Jack Purcell Converse at
Buy Kurt Cobain One Star Converse at
i think that tha converse are pretty sweet!! i mean sure it might over expose his personal life but i think ppl have some right to know..
omg I LOVE THESE SHOES!!! especially the white high tops… i am definetly getting them. but where? i have tried to figure out where but i cant… does anyone know where to get it? :]]
anybody know when we can we get these shoes?
This is horrble and I am sure CL is just making royalties off of her deceased husband! Please people have respect for this beautiful artist. CL Sucks and she knows what she did!!!
I meant HORRIBLE!!!
zee is right there are lots of ways to honor him forget it im not buying those shoes courtney sucks!!!!!
for one thing its fucked up how there comming out with sum kurt cobain one stars cause they were the shoes he was found dead in fuck converse for that shit. first it was action figures now this? goddam courtney would do anything for money that slutty bitch
I was recently given a pair of the white Converse and in no way do they show anything extremely “personal.” Even though some of it might have come from his journals, most of what is actually on the shoes are drawings and/or lyrics from various albums and songs that were obviously seen before his death.
Also, there are three styles of shoes that I have seen, which do not include any shown in the article… First, the shoes with his writing/drawings on them are actually low-tops and are a little different than in the pictures above. There’s worn out/distressed black hi-tops with his signature on the side and the third style are black hi-tops with the lyrics to “Lithium” on the side.
this is the next variation of looking to the dead of kurt cobain, it is not a bad way but not my way of honouring him. it’s just that i’ll never buy those shoes basta!
ok people, its plain and simple. if you like the shoes, get them. if you dont, dont buy them. If anything blame courtney for selling kurt out. Its not converses fault. last but not least, if you are a true fan and honor nirvana’s music, why not buy them. You people really need to grow up. most of you that disagree and say its wrong to put these shoes out, how the hell do you know if kurt would want these shoes out or not? you are not him and you dont now him so shut the hell up
i think this is a great way to honor kurt cobain. yes i am disapointed that courtney love will probably get a lot of money for it and its not right (cause she pretty much killed him). but im still buying them cause i think kurt would’ve liked it and all u people saying that we dont even know him. well neither did u! unless i am mistakin and u wanna say ur name and proove that u know him
WOW!! Everyone needs to chill!! I personally believe that the shoes are cool!and yes kurt wouldn’t have wanted it lke this so if thats wat u think then don’t buy them. instead MAKE YOUR OWN!!! like all the other ppl said,cause that is wat i’m gonna do!
Well Courtney really sold him out this time! But I guess it is expensive taking care of a kid and a drug habit!
First off,I know this has been said over and over again, but,The man was all about privacy and he did’nt really enjoy the fame,I mean Courtney Love already runied that buy publishing his personal journals.Just because he wore chucks dosent mean they have to fucking put his writing on it,If your a true fan you can do it yourself,now we’er going to see fakes wear these when they know shit about Kurt Cobain.Really if he was alive to see this,he would never wear them again,infact he’d probally lose all respect.Fuck Courtney Love.
I just wish things could stop. The marketing and the greed has far surpassed anything at this point. Lets really choke this to shit. Its bad enough that music sucks now, and to harp on something that the world will never be is truly depressing.
Just another way for Courtney to cash in on his death. She sickens me! She probably sold his ashes too!
I agree with a lot of skeptics that perhaps Kurt would not have wanted the media and the corporate machine abusing his fame and extrordinary brilliance to make a buck, but I have to admit it probably won’t stop me from getting my hands on a pair of the Jack Purcell’s. The fact of the matter is that no matter what anyone else thinks, I want mine for the simple reason that Kurt Cobain is my biggest hero and inspiration, and just being able to walk around on something all day that reminds me of that sounds great in my books. I think that’s kinda what the point of the tribute shoes was, and people are maybe looking a litte too deep into the product. Someone just wanted to make something in his memory, not necessarily “rape” him, if you know what I mean. I’m sure whoever came up with the idea had good intentions, and I’d love to know where I can get a pair.
OK well we dont really know what Kurt woulda felt about this, but the sad truth is he is gone, we want to remember him (like its hard) and the shoes are friggin awesome, i like the black ones personally i will so be gettin a pair
You know me personally.
Yeah kurt hated selling and being famous;; but thet fact that he did keep a journal and tat he wrote many said that he did want to be rememberd when was gone. he wanted people to figure him out just like it says on the very first page. And his journals say a lot about him. I’m sure people still have no idea what he was talking about;; but to jus have a part of him takes you one step closer. When I found out about the journal i wnated it right away because i want to know everything about him. But even without his journals we had his music and his lyrics and those alone came from his mind and his heart. So these people are saying “oh the shoes shouldn’t have his journals” why not the books are already published for everyone to read. “kurt wouldnt like it” no he wouldn’t because those were his ideas, and people are now jst trying to follow him and be him. “oh its just another money maker.” yeah it is but so are the Cd’s so are the videos so is his music. even if people don’t want to say it. Nirvana was a money maker one way or another. Just by seelling this shoe isn’t makeing them ell out. They sold out when they became famous;; but no one thinks about that.
Me personally i’m glad they became famous;; and i’m glad he sold out;; because nirvana is a big part of my life;; kurt is a big part of my life. So i have more thing to say….
p.s. Chris if you see this you must be laughing right?