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Are you interested in getting involved with We are looking for interns to help with writing, research, and organizing content. If you are a Kurt Cobain fan who would like to contribute to the growth of this site as a resource for other fans, please use the form below to contact us!



54 responses

  1. ı would love to be involved. i can do anything to help , iam a fan from turkey .D

  2. Gives me chills looking back at some of the older photos of Curt, he was a friend, and miss him to this day. We spent a few nights doing what younger kids do when growing up in Aberdeen, and can recall some rather wild times! If you have contact with Cris, tell him hi for me, been a long time since I have seen him.

    Ken Yucha
    Aberdeen, WA

  3. I just registered for this site, and I am currently on track for my AAS IT Web Development. So if you need some ideas or help with anything feel free to let me know. As far as Curt liking the internet……duh……..he would have loved it!!

  4. kurt cobain is so freakin awesome. and his legacy should live on. so yall keep lovin him. and show the world what he and his music is all about. and boo lady ga ga

  5. Hey! This is elly from greece. I ‘m obsessed with Kurt. First of all I think you should have some of his songs playing while visiting the site. explain to people that Kurt was an artist with feelings and not a crazy narcotic as many clueless say!
    You’de better publish some articles about it. If I can help in anyway please let me know!

  6. Hi, I’m a professional writer/editor and would love to contribute to this site in any way I can. I’ve been a fan of Kurt’s for roughly 20 years, and feel I have something to offer. Please feel free to contact me!

  7. The NSA (National Security Agency) has made claims that they caused Kurt Kobain’s suicide. They claim they were targeting him with satellites more specifically aiming them at his stomach. It caused him severe agony until he took his life.

  8. How about a page debating wether or not Courtney love was involved with kurt cobains death. I have a book with facts about his death that make it look as courtney killed him.
    let me know.

  9. I suggest a section showcasing Kurt’s early visual artwork, particularly his paintings i.e. the cover of Incesticide.

  10. I would be very interested in digging these images up for the site. Apparently 5 previously unseen pieces have just been unearthed and Courtney Love is going to auction them off!

  11. I would like to know why the only articles you have on this website are the ones that were the journalists that Courtney Love paid off to write complete lies about her husband. You claim to be a Kurt Cobain fan, if you were a true fan you would have the articles that told the truth. If you don’t know where to find them, please consider turning this website over to a real Kurt Cobain expert!!

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