121 responses

  1. It’s crazy how people are fighting over a guy who’s been dead for 15 years. I’m doing an essay on him for my advanced placement english class. I do believe it’s a possibility he was murdered, and i’ve gathered a lot of evidence. Layla, im interested in what you have to say. keep writing, kurt has been interesting me lately. ive never really listened to his music or anything, but since ive been doing this project ive been becoming very interested at what really appened.

  2. I am sure that he was murdered. He had too much heroin in his system to pull the trigger. Furthermore, there was no investigation. At the angle of the wound, there was no way that he could have puled the trigger with his fingers. He would have had to pull it with his toe and guess what! It just so happened that his shoes were on. At the time of his death, he had filed papers for a divorce and was asking for custody of his daughter. Courtney had tried to hire someone in the past to kill Kurt. She doesn’t even want her daughter to talk about Kurt and all of the wonderful things he did. He loved his daughter more than life itself. I know Courtney didn’t love him, she was in it for the fame and Kurt didn’t even want to be famous!!!

  3. Kurt did want to be famous, please, don’t be blinkered on this. He just didn’t like it when his aspirations became reality. Kurt was no angel. He has a multi- textured personality like we all do. I’m very priviledged to have ongoing connections with lovely people. Kurt is irritated by me being on the computer. He doesn’t like me being involved in “this shit”. He’s gonna sort it. It’s gonna happen. Yeh, Kurt was murdered with Courtney’s money. We all know that. There isn’t a valid argumement that can stand up against the indisputable fact that he was killed via Courtney. This website seems to have become an in-depth bitching arena. Justice will prevail. I am telling you JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL. Looked at Keith Richards duetting with Norah Jones singing Love Hurts at a tribute for Gram. Made me cry. That man has soul.So sweet to Norah. Music is a catalyst for emotional release. I reckon if Kurt was still in his physical body, he’d be doing blues with Jack White. We all need someone we can spark off, resonate with and feel part of. Most of us aren’t lucky enough to have that. I’m not, in the physical world. Life is the hell that we have to endure. Why have none of my friends reincarnated. They’re all grooving in spirit and having a bloody good time.I have been asked to write a book about my experiences, my unworld. Offered good contract. Can’t do it. Too personal. If my friends choose to tell me stuff then that’s private. Who am I to blurt their business. If you want to take issue with something that somebody has done, at least let them be alive to comment. So come on Courtney have your say, c’mon Leland bring it on. I’ve got Jimi here smiling. Says networking has made the universe a nation of typists.


  5. I’m sorry if you are offended Mrs. O’Connor, but you have to accept that people are really angry about Kurt’s MURDER. You say Kurt’s life was private, well er.. I don’t think so. How could it be private? How? Having Courtney as a wife would never allow Kurt any privacy. And there’s a dynamic here media promotion v privacy. Like John Lennon the press are courted, and then when it gets vicious, the subjects break down. Now you know and I know that the suicide thing is rubbish. I’m truly sorry that Frances is upset, but you have to notice that the things said about Kurt are with love. What upsets Frances is the fact that she probably knows that there is truth in the fact that Courtney was responsible for his death, her mother had her father killed. One day Frances will be of an age to open a case which I think she will, because she has to know the truth. Her dad loves her very much but is upset that she has had the influence of Courtney as a mother and not somebody more stable. It must be very painful, but the not knowing is worse. At the moment Kurt is being particularly manic and excited about Christmas (which I hate). He’s chucking tinsel all over the place and is using jimi as a christmas tree, throwing tinsel over his hair, which is hysterical. Jimi is standing there with the stoicism of a large shire horse, knowing that he has to put up with it, begrudgingly. Jimi is here nearly all the time too, brought by Kurt as they are best pals. They adore each other and Jimi’s sweet calming nature balances out the relationship between Kurt and I as it is so intense. Also Kurt is a hard taskmaster. He’s always giving me projects to do that I don’t want to do, as though he needs me to be constantly living my life with him and nobody else, which I guess is just his neediness, but it becomes wearing. He’s the man of the house, but is extremely jealous and can get spiteful if he’s not getting what he calls “the full deal”. Fell out with Jimi a couple of weeks ago because Jimi and I have become very close and Kurt was saying he wanted Jimi to go. Jimi was very upset and I said to Kurt “Jimi stays, I need him and he wants to stay, so get over your jealousy and accept that the love that Jimi and I have for each other is totally different”. He got over himself and calm is restored. Frances darling, if you read this you will get a sense of what your dad is like. He’s lovely, loving, sulky if he doesn’t get his own way, can be quite spiteful when he’s really pissed off. He needs a lot of love and he gets it, but he is demanding and you have to pull the reins in and stand up to him otherwise he’d say “let’s go to Paris and climb the Eiffel Tower now” and he means that very instant. I suppose it’s because I have to keep proving that I love him, and I do very much. I’m just treading water until I can be with him properly. We have amazing people coming round, John Lennon who’s been with me since 1986, in and out but he’s a bit of a dad/pal to me. I would say that personality wise I’m very much like John, humour wise and Kurt, like me is a prankster too. Just a huge melting pot of wonderful people. Never had anyone bad here, always people that I’ve felt a connection with. Frances, your father is funny, dry, quirky, childlike, very loving, moody, sulky, but ultimately he comes on top as a great person. That’s all, a person like you or I that just happened to have his huge talent recognised. There are plenty out there who don’t make it but are just as talented. I can’t imagine how upsetting and disturbing this must be for you, it must be horrible to hear hurtful things about your mother, but in your own time you will feel the need to find out the truth, and whatever the outcome is, it will be very painful. I’m on your side Frances, this website has some awful comments,some made by me too, but I’m on your side, and I’m sure that everybody else is too. Your dad says “Tell Frances to try and live her life as simply as possible, get back to nature, riding and away from Californian influence.” He’s proud that you’re such a strong girl but wishes that you didn’t have to be “I could never be that strong, I want you, my little button, to try and have an ordinary life. I know that it’s not possible, and I’m so sorry that you had two f..k-ups as parents, and the legacy that has been left to you. I love you my little tweenie-ager, don’t forget that your flaky dad loves you …. oh god! that sounds so cheesy, see ya pumpkin, love your funky red boots”

  6. Thanks CV. AL, when u say “he” thought Kurt was killed, who is the “he”.The answer is Kurt knows he was murdered,he showed me the vision, like a film of what happened. Jimi, John, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, the list goes on. They all know that Kurt was murdered.

  7. Have you heard the news?

    Francis Bean Cobain chooses to live with her grandmother, causing mom Courtney Love to lose custody

    Courtney Love loses custody over daughter

    Courtney Love slams ‘deceptive’ daughter after losing custody

    Courtney Love: I don’t want my daughter to become Jamie Lynn Spears

    Documents reveal Courtney Love accused of ‘domestic violence’ against daughter Frances Bean Cobain

    Courtney Love threatens to sue her former in-laws over custody of daughter Frances Bean

    Courtney wouldn’t allow Frances to see any of Kurt’s Family except Kurt’s Mom and Kurt’s sister since age 4 (what was she afraid of?)

    Courtney’s bats**t, crazy, psycho ass looks even more suspect now!

    R.I.P. Kurt

  8. Hi nobody,thanks for your trust. I’m glad what I’ve said has resonated with you. What do you want when you say “tell me more?” I can’t tell you anything that’s private b’cos I’ve a duty to keep confidences, and Kurt would bitch at me and sulk and be hurt. Bad enough today when I felt compelled to listen to the first track on “Live through This”. But it’s Kurt’s song, you only have to listen to the intro chords. I would like to talk to you but am not disclosing my e-mail on this website so it’s tricky, plus I’m a complete ludite and fucking useless at computers! I’ll tell you a bit about me. I look like Kurt, but not as pretty. People see him pass through my face, artisans and people of that ilk. It used to be “Oh you look like Goldie Hawn” but now it’s “you look like Kurt Cobain”. I’m scruffy, I muck about a lot like a teenager and walk the dog with my headphones on drumming, conducting and singing.Some people smile in an endearing way, others think I’m bonkers.
    Listen to Atlantis and Catch the Wind by Donovan, listen to Hyacinth House by The Doors. Get the album “Beggars Banquet” by the Stones. I do a mean Jagger impersonation, physically and speech-wise. Kurt really likes “Cloudbusting” by Kate Bush. Kurt cuts out the circuit in my amp when he doesn’t like what I’m playing and I have to tell him to f..k off. He’s very dominant if you allow him to be, don’t be fooled by the Piscean floppiness. Bloody control freak. Jimi is brilliant at calming things down. He just shakes his head benignly and Kurt gets embarrassed because he knows he’s being a brat. I say “Shut up fuck pig face” which he finds very amusing.

  9. Hey no i understand its okay…:) but thank you anyways…and from the way i see it…i think maybe u and kurt were meant to be:)well i have been researching day and night about kurt’s death and learning who he was…cause in a way i can connect to him with music as like everyone else can…:)…it’s just im going crazy about his death and i really want to know the truth…but i definitly know for a fact that he was murdered…he loved frances so why would he have done such a thing?…i heard recently that courtney forgot when kurt died..but anyways…i just really want to know the truth about what happened to kurt…i’ve been reading a lot of Tom’s reports and now people are accusing him of killing kurt…and this is really driving me crazy:( i can’t sleep i can’t eat and i spend every waking hour researching about kurt…hmmm…i’m sorry if im acting a bit needy…i can’t rest in peace i would really like to know the truth…thats all…but i always believe than one day the truth will prevail…well i was just wondering:)…how’s kurt doing is he okay?is he happy where he is now where he is?:)hehe well i do see jimi as the voice of reason and being very matured..:)please write back

  10. I can’t help you, nobody. I’m sorry, but it’s not healthy. Please look after yourself. Tom Grant was not involved. This is the fall out from the death of an idol, and the casualties are very vulnerable. Take care.

  11. no you werent harsh…:) okay i will take care…yeah your right..i probably should let this go…thanks again…:)

  12. For the record, the comment made by “Wendy O’Connor” is not for real. This person has assumed her name for hype reasons. I hope whoever did use her name, does realise that it is identity theft and that there are ways of tracking down the phoney. Not a good space to be in legally.

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