121 responses

  1. I Dont think Kurt killed his self at all. I will die preaching that that STUPID BITCH Courtney took my heros Life. But I will say one thing and that is one of these days she WILL GET HERS!!!!!

  2. courtney is a total bitch kurt wasnt killed she MURDERED him!!! he is my biggest influence on my life!! when he died i died inside and i have never been the same since LONG LIVE KURT COBAIN

  3. It was nice to see kurts grandfather talk about how proud he was. and its a shame people only think of his death and not his life. He was a huge inspiration to me musically and i wish i could have been his friend.


  5. how are people going to say kurt was killed by courtney?? I love kurt dont get me wrong he is my hero but he did fucking heroine . When you do that shit you arent thinking properly so when you tell people you want to die and they fingd you dead in a locked room with a gun high on heroine that usually means you commited suicide..so get off the bullshit that he was killed.i also belive he may of killed himself because of her but she didnt do it.

  6. i hope people understand where im coming from with what i said..but anyways RIP Kurt your legend lives forever!

  7. i do think that theres a chance that courtney killed him, but then i also think that he did kill himself. i dont think that he would want us to talk shit bout his wife even if i agree with some of you, cus he loved her.

  8. Why are you guys wasting your time arguing this bullshit? I don’t think he killed himself but it’s none of my business or yours. Just give it up. He wouldn’t want you to sit around and argue about it.

  9. How about you idiots stop bitching about Courtney. The courts think Kurt killed himself, if you think different go and tell them to re-open the case, but whining on about ‘OMGZ COURTNEY LUV SHE KILLED KURT DAT BETCH’ wont do jack shit!

    RIP Kurt x

  10. I am so dissapointed that Kurt Cobain is not around anymore he almost became an religious figure in my life and I hate Dave Grohl and Courtney Love one day I will have money to put a lawsuit against them I can understand anyone is buying Dave Grohl and Courtney Loves stuff after all they did to Kurt Cobain and they were nothing without him I miss Kurt Cobain so much it hurts why isnt he around anymore people like him should be around I wouldnt change 1 Kurt for trillion Courtney and Dave Grohl

    Kurt is a legend an almost holly icon he is the best our world ever had

  11. In reply to tyler, the last couple of years before his death, Kurt was clean he had stopped doing drugs. Also yes heroin does fuck you up but he had 1.52mgs of heroin per liter of blood in his body, that is 3 times the LETHAL amount.. He would of been incapacitated, unable to hold the gun up to his mouth much less pull a trigger.. ALSO have you ever heard of a dead man cleaning fingerprints off of a gun? why would he need to? there were no legible fingerprints on the gun.. His so called “Suicide” note nowhere states that he is leaving the world or is dieing or is gonna kill himself he merely states he is leaving Courtney and Seattle and quitting the music business..

  12. Kurt Cobain and Nirvana has inspired me alot to play music. We owe our credit to Kurt Kobain and Nirvana for changing grunge forever and changing many of our lives he has touched through his words. Quit arguing about how he died, and take the time to give them the credit he deserves.We should be more worried about how he lived then how he died. Kurt, Krist, and Dave never thought that Nirvana would become world famous, they never wanted that. I’m only 14 but I alot about kurt and his life. I’m out!

  13. R.I.P Kurt Donald Cobain 1967-1994. We owe our sorrow to the 68 families that had to go through the the suicides of their loved ones becaus they wanted to be with Kurt.

  14. http://cobaincase.com/film.htm

    I don’t think Courtney did it, but she was apart of the murder. But then again, who gives a shit? It’s not like us people are gonna change anything about it. It’s not like we decide if the case is going to be reopened. So everyone just stfu, and enjoy his music and how he lived, not how he died.

  15. If Kurt was murdered, we owe it to him, his family, his friends, to bring out the truth.
    He was going to leave his wife, Courtney Love (untalented b**ch that she is) with NOTHING! Think about that. For most people close to a deceased family member, this would be ample evidence as motive for murder and would have been thoroughly investigated. Apparently not so, if you have money such as Courtney now did.
    And just because a person uses heroin does not mean that one wants to end their life. I have known people who have used that drug, my cousin’s dad was found dead from an overdose, and you know what, he was found with the needle still in his arm. Kurt had ALOT of heroine in his system, 3 times the amount to kill him (seasoned user or not). Surely if he overdosed, he would not have had the time and senses to clean up and then pull the trigger. And where’s all the blood usually associated with a head wound, oh yeah, dead men don’t bleed. Google that one.
    I believe he was shot after he was overdosed with a lethal injection of heroine. Kurt was a big influence on my life, as I actually grew up in the early 90’s and remember Smells Like Teen Spirit airing on MTV, way back in the day. I also remember the day the world found out he was dead. It is such a shame that he couldn’t see his daughter grow up, couldn’t enjoy the fortune he made from his music. He would probably have ended up quitting the industry anyways, which is what his letter that was made out to be his suicide letter seemed to be stating, because that man didn’t like fame (which is what made him so appealing). But he still deserved to live. I hope the person(s) who plotted his murder rots in the eternal fires of hell.

  16. First and foremost, I see that a lot of you Kurt Cobain fans have not done your homework. And this is for the Tyler guy….Cobain fan’s are not whining over the tale about Kurt committing suicide, we are trying our hardest to get justice for Kurt! Some facts….Courtney Love was not present during the time of Cobain’s death, Courtney was in L.A. As was Kurt, until he climbed over the hospital walls of the Exodus Center on April the first, and left making his way to LAX, and flew back to Seattle where he went straight home. The next morning Kurt spoke to the former nanny and supposedly took a cab downtown to Seattle Guns where he purchased twenty-five shotgun cartridges. After that it has been a mystery, people have claimed to have seen Kurt and of course had their stories. As any Cobain fan would know…his body was discovered on April 8th by an electrician who was hired by Courtney to install an alarm system. Medical examiners say that Kurt had died sometime around April 5th. As for the greenhouse French doors, they were unlocked! And the stool was not wedged beneath the doors! Another thing that really gets under my skin is, they didn’t take the proper time to investigate Kurt’s death and automatically ruled his death as a suicide. Finger prints were not checked on the gun, or any other items until a month later…And I find it very strange that no finger prints were found! What did Kurt do after he supposedly shot himself, wipe the fingerprints off of the gun?! Then there was the (alleged) suicide note, It doesn’t take an artist to tamper with hand writing, many handwriting experts had questioned the note, especially the last for lines. God knows I’m no ones judge, but it seemed very odd to me when Rosemary Carroll went to tell Courtney the news about the finding of Kurt’s body, and before she could even say anything Courtney looked at her and asked “How?” Then the reading of the note to his fans, how she called Kurt names and cursed his fans. I found it very inappropriate. With all of this being said and many years of studying Kurt’s death I hope the case will be
    reopened and the truth will finally come out and justice will be served. I do not believe that Kurt killed himself or that he was suicidal. I do suspect foul play. Kurt is my all time favorite artist, I admired the originality of his lyrics and music which he will always live through. Rest in Peace Kurt!!!

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